Oh my how the times they are a changing! I have grown tired of facebook and the time it ate up in my life and so I am reverting back to my blog. Perhaps I will find more enjoyment from it.
This morning I opened an email from my mil that was titled 'Dog Shamming'. That was certainly good for a chuckle as it contained photos of dogs with signs around their necks or next to them stating what they were ashamed of. I have certainly had my share of dogs who needed to wear a shame sign but most recently my horse Gunner should be wearing one.
I some how think there is no shame in his mind for what he did, but none the less... Last fall Jack my dear husband bought me a fantastic white plastic fence that borders two sides of my lawn. It is beautiful. It makes our place look really sharp. This fall, Gunner pushed on the fence so much trying to get to the raspberry plants that he broke the top of one of the boards. Jack is furious, and rightfully so. We are trying to decided how to keep them off said lovely fence. Gunner on the other hand is going about his every day existence of eating hay and not being ridden.
More on the horses and what they have been up to in the near future! Enjoy your last few days of November and the warmer weather we are supposed to get. Cheerio!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Hello World!
Posted by
Kathy C
5:43 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
Schools out for Summer!
Posted by
Kathy C
9:52 PM
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I should have at least one post up for May right?
N had a pretty good time at prom. It was a long day as predicted. State Solo and Ensembles first and then the prom. She did okay at state, but had problems with her asthma and having enough air to breath. Not good when you are playing the flute.
She enjoyed the pre-prom portion of prom. The hair/makeup/dinner. I enjoyed it too. We had a house crammed full of prom goers and their parents. I served them supper and we took turns taking pictures. It rained so there were no outside pictures. Prom itself was a a let down for her. Most of her class departed after the grand march for another party. On top of that she was exhausted, so despite plans of an all night wii extravaganza, she came home early and went to bed.
S has been playing basketball in a league in a nearby town. The league finished up this weekend. She learned a lot and improved certain aspects of her playing. I am continually amazed at how physical the game is. She has bruises and marks all over her body and spent a large portion of Sunday sleeping from sheer exhaustion.
My niece and god daughter is graduating from high school this weekend. Her parents held a get together up at the family farm, so we took the day to be with them. It was good to see my brothers and their wives, and of course my parents. I also got to see and visit with a cousin who I haven't seen in a few years.
Yesterday we attended a memorial day ceremony. N marched in the high school band parade leading up to the ceremony. I am extremely grateful to all those who have given their lives for our countries freedom, whether it was last month or 200 years ago. We are truly blessed to live where we do and enjoy the freedoms we enjoy.
Posted by
Kathy C
8:10 AM
Friday, April 24, 2009
Busy Two Days
Posted by
Kathy C
7:23 AM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Earth Day
Posted by
Kathy C
8:22 AM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Posted by
Kathy C
9:44 AM